Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Make Free Easy Money Online

How would you like to make some free easy money online? That is exactly what I am doing right now! With this article I will tell you how to make some money online and it will not cost you a cent. All you have to do is think of an interesting subject that people would like to read about give it a title and write an article about it.
Then you can go to and set up an account with google for some free online web pages called blogs. After you get your blog set up with your article you can sign up with google for adsense ads. Then google will check out your article and place ads on your site that people may be interested in. When people come to your site and click on the ads you make free and easy money online.
After you get your site online you can check out search engine optimization (SEO) tips and find out how to get more traffic to your online money making site. The more people you get to look at your site the more money you can make online.
After you have your first online site up and running and making money you can add a second or third site to make more free money online.
The only investment you need is your time and effort. Like most businesses the more time you invest the more money you can make online.
Thanks for reading my article and good luck in your new venture.

Getting your

Make Free Money Online

site started

Let us explore some of the mysteries of the internet, We will do this by building a web site and learning how to promote it.
Thanks to the people at it is easy for the average person to make a nice looking web site and it is free.

Before signing up at you need to decide what your site is going to be about. This should be something in your field of experience. Figure out what your key word or words are. This will be the word or words that people will type into the search box when they are looking for information about your subject. Now write a good quality article about your subject and try to use your keywords in the content several times.

Now you are ready to go to and get an account and get your web site started. It is very important that you use your keyword or words in your site's address and your site's title. This will make it easier for the search engines to know what your site is about.
Now that we got a web site started let's sign in and goto layout. Click on add a Gadget. Scroll down and click on Adsense then save. Go to google/adsense and sign up for ads on your site. Now when people go to your site and click on your ads you make free easy money online.
Click here to see SEO tips so you can Make Free Easy Money Online.


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